Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Rachel called me this morning, but then hung up before I could answer. I called her back to see what she needed. She said, I was going to ask you a question, but then decided you wouldn't know the answer. The question was, "Do you know where Ashlyn's glasses are?" I, in fact, did know the answer. I responded, "I fixed them and put them on the bathroom counter. I told Ashlyn that I fixed them and put them on the counter."
The lens popped out a few days ago and we were going to take the glasses to an optical shop to have a repair done. I found the time to take care of it last night. The question now, who is the better/worst communicator. Rachel for hanging up on me, or me for not telling her I took care of that job? Or it doesn't matter, life isn't always a contest.